Friday, May 29, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!


This post is very delayed but no the less we wanted to document this very special step in our journey. Currey graduated Mother's Day weekend. It was so special for us as we were able to celebrate with Currey's family and spend time together. A huge part of our journey is that we have huge support from our families as we proceed with our adoption. All of our parents are anxiously awaiting the arrival of grandchildren and it is such a blessing to have their support.

So on Mother's Day Currey's parents gave us a card letting us know that they would like to financially contribute to make the next steps of our journey possible. We were so surprised and feel blessed beyond measure. It was an unexpected blessing and shortens the time we will have to wait to bring our babies home. Our goal is to complete our next chunk of paperwork and our home study this summer. We are praying for God to stabilize Currey's income as we have to show that we are financially capable to care for children to successfully pass a home study. We continue to rest assured that God is faithful and will provide. We continue to be blessed as we continue our journey. When ever we get weary our gracious God provides affirmation that we are being obedient to his call and his hand is guiding our story. We are so excited to begin moving forward and feel blessed to be so supported!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Prayer for Parents


In knowing that this is going to be a lengthy process we have decided that for each month of the journey we will have a specific prayer request for the season that we are in. For the month of May we ask that you would pray for the birth parents of our children.

I would be the first to admit that in this process I had not spent a whole lot of time thinking about them. And then I began my new job. Although the circumstances are different I am gaining a better understanding of the sacrifice that our children's birth parents will make. I had been at my job for 2 weeks and I was sitting in the court waiting room across from a couple and a woman. The woman was looking through a scrapbook that the couple had created. As I sat there I overheard that they were there that day so the mother could sign custody of her children to the foster parents. They were all tearful but the mother stated, "I am doing this as an act of love for my children. I want was is truly best for them and I know that is not something that I can provide." At this point I was overcome with emotion. The thought had never crossed my mind.

There are parents there that will be giving us custody of their children because they know that for whatever reason they won't be able to provide the best care. We obviously don' know the circumstances that will bring our children to us but we have a new sense of responsibility to their birth parents. We are being picked to love, teach, provide, laugh, cry, and hug. To read stories, take walks, see all their "firsts", make friends, help with heart ache, encourage, support and dream. We ask that you join with us this month as we pray for them, the decision they will have to make, peace with their choice, moments of joy with the kids and safe environments while we wait. We will never fully understand the depth of their sacrifice but we are eternally grateful for the precious gift they will give us. Thank you for your prayers during this journey.